html5文字飞入插件,jquery使用css3实现文字动画效果插件textillate.js -尊龙游戏旗舰厅官网
textillate是一款基于css3动画效果的 javascript 库,您可非常轻轻松地把这些动画效果应该于网页中的任何文字。
$(function () {
以上代码使用了默认的动画效果,如果你想改变动理效果,可以在html中调用data api
$('.tlt').textillate({ in: { effect: 'rollin' } });
- some title
- another title
注意:你可以通过调用data api配置动画参数来控制每个li的动画效果。
// the default selector to use when detecting multiple texts to animate
selector: '.texts',
// enable looping
loop: false,
// sets the minimum display time for each text before it is replaced
mindisplaytime: 2000,
// sets the initial delay before starting the animation
// (note that depending on the in effect you may need to manually apply
// visibility: hidden to the element before running this plugin)
initialdelay: 0,
// set whether or not to automatically start animating
autostart: true,
// custom set of 'in' effects. this effects whether or not the
// character is shown/hidden before or after an animation
ineffects: [],
// custom set of 'out' effects
outeffects: [ 'hinge' ],
// in animation settings
in: {
// set the effect name
effect: 'fadeinleftbig',
// set the delay factor applied to each consecutive character
delayscale: 1.5,
// set the delay between each character
delay: 50,
// set to true to animate all the characters at the same time
sync: false,
// randomize the character sequence
// (note that shuffle doesn't make sense with sync = true)
shuffle: false,
// reverse the character sequence
// (note that reverse doesn't make sense with sync = true)
reverse: false,
// callback that executes once the animation has finished
callback: function () {}
// out animation settings.
out: {
effect: 'hinge',
delayscale: 1.5,
delay: 50,
sync: false,
shuffle: false,
reverse: false,
callback: function () {}
// callback that executes once textillate has finished
callback: function () {}});
start.tlt – textillate开始时触发
inanimationbegin.tlt – 动画进入开始时触发
inanimationend.tlt – 动画进入结束时触发
outanimationbegin.tlt – 动画退出开始时触发
outanimationend.tlt – 动画退出结束时触发
end.tlt – ttextillate结束触发
$element.textillate(‘start’) – 手动开始或重启 textillate
$element.textillate(‘stop’) – 手动暂停或停止 textillate
$element.textillate(‘in’) – 当前文字动画进入时触发
$element.textillate(‘out’) – 当前文字动画退出时触发
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