2020/10/29、 周四、今天又是奋斗的一天。 |
写在前面:我是「runsen」,热爱技术、热爱开源、热爱编程。技术是开源的、知识是共享的。大四弃算法转前端,需要每天的日积月累, 每天都要加油!!!
- axios发json请求
- city.vue
- list.vue
- alphabet.vue
- 兄弟组件数据传递
- city.vue
- alphabet.vue
- list.vue
><city-list :cities
="cities" :hot
><city-alphabet :cities
import axios from
import cityheader from
import citysearch from
import citylist from
import cityalphabet from
'./components/alphabet'export default
() {return {cities:
() {axios.get
) {res
= res.data
if (res.ret
&& res.data
) {const data
= res.datathis.cities
= data.citiesthis.hotcities
= data.hotcities
() {this.getcityinfo
><style lang
="stylus" scoped
><div class
="list" ref
><div class
="area"><div class
="title border-topbottom">当前城市
><div class
="button-list"><div class
="button-wrapper"><div class
><div class
="area"><div class
="title border-topbottom">热门城市
><div class
="item of hot":key
="item.id"><div class
><div class
="area" v-for
="(item, key) of cities" :key
="key"><div class
="title border-topbottom">{{key
><div class
="item border-bottom"v-for
="inneritem of item":key
import bscroll from
export default
{hot: array,cities: object
() {this.scroll
= new bscroll
><style lang
="stylus" scoped
&:afterborder-color: .border-bottom
&:beforeborder-color: .listoverflow: hiddenposition: absolutetop: 1.58remleft: 0right: 0bottom: 0.titleline-height: .54rembackground: padding-left: .2remcolor: font-size: .26rem.button-listoverflow: hiddenpadding: .1rem .6rem .1rem .1rem.button-wrapperfloat: leftwidth: 33.33%.buttonmargin: .1rempadding: .1rem 0text-align: centerborder: .02rem solid border-radius: .06rem.item-list.itemline-height: .76rempadding-left: .2rem
import axios from
import cityheader from
import citysearch from
import citylist from
import cityalphabet from
export default
() {return {cities:
() {axios.get
) {res
= res.data
if (res.ret
&& res.data
) {const data
= res.datathis.cities
= data.citiesthis.hotcities
= data.hotcities
) {this.letter
= letter
() {this.getcityinfo
><style lang
="stylus" scoped
><ul class
="item of letters":key
export default
{cities: object
() {const letters
= []for (let i
in this.cities
) {letters.push
)}return letters
() {return {touchstatus: false,starty: 0,timer: null
() {this.starty
= this.
) {this.
$emit('change', e.target.innertext
() {this.touchstatus
= true},handletouchmove
) {if (this.touchstatus
) {if (this.timer
) {cleartimeout
= settimeout
(() => {const touchy
= e.touches
].clienty - 79const index
= math.floor
((touchy - this.starty
) / 20
)if (index
>= 0
&& index
< this.letters.length
) {this.
$emit('change', this.letters
])}}, 16
() {this.touchstatus
= false}}
><style lang
="stylus" scoped
'~styles/varibles.styl'.listdisplay: flexflex-direction: columnjustify-content: centerposition: absolutetop: 1.58remright: 0bottom: 0width: .4rem.itemline-height: .4remtext-align: centercolor:
><div class
="list" ref
><div class
="area"><div class
="title border-topbottom">当前城市
><div class
="button-list"><div class
="button-wrapper"><div class
><div class
="area"><div class
="title border-topbottom">热门城市
><div class
="item of hot":key
="item.id"><div class
="(item, key) of cities":key
="key"><div class
="title border-topbottom">{{key
><div class
="item border-bottom"v-for
="inneritem of item":key
import bscroll from
export default
{hot: array,cities: object,letter: string
() {this.scroll
= new bscroll
() {if (this.letter
) {const element
= this.
><style lang
="stylus" scoped
&:afterborder-color: .border-bottom
&:beforeborder-color: .listoverflow: hiddenposition: absolutetop: 1.58remleft: 0right: 0bottom: 0.titleline-height: .54rembackground: padding-left: .2remcolor: font-size: .26rem.button-listoverflow: hiddenpadding: .1rem .6rem .1rem .1rem.button-wrapperfloat: leftwidth: 33.33%.buttonmargin: .1rempadding: .1rem 0text-align: centerborder: .02rem solid border-radius: .06rem.item-list.itemline-height: .76rempadding-left: .2rem
参考课程:慕课网vue2.5->2.6->3.0 开发去哪儿网app 从零基础入门到实战项目开发