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sql server ha -尊龙游戏旗舰厅官网

发布时间:2025/1/21 数据库 22 豆豆
尊龙游戏旗舰厅官网 收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了 sql server ha - 数据库镜像2 (mirroring)(1418错误解决) 小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,帮大家做个参考.
  • sql server2008数据库镜像的配置 (1418错误解决)


  • 在要做镜像的数据库之上右键单击,选择备份

  • 备份类型为完整,注意记录备份路径

  • 重复以上操作,此次备份类型为事务日志

  • 将刚刚备份的文件拷贝到另外一台备份的数据库内

  • 右键数据库,选择恢复数据库

  • 选择源设备

  • 选择完整备份的数据库

  • 单击确定

  • 勾选刚刚恢复的数据库

  • 点击选项,勾选不对数据库执行任何操作

  • 右键选择刚刚恢复的数据库,选择还原任务日志

  • 勾选从磁盘恢复,选择对应的文件

  • 同样选择不对数据库执行任何操作

  • 可看到正在同步和还原

  • 右键刚刚的数据库选择镜像

  • 点击配置安全

  • 勾选使用见证服务器

  • 主服务器

  • 选择镜像服务器

  • 选择见证服务器

  • 设置服务器连接用户名



          grant connect on endpoint::mirroring to [domain\_tpsqlaccount];

    mirroring server network address cannotbe reached or  does not exist

  • 点击完成结束

  • 点击开始惊喜

  • 镜像结束

    • [troubleshooting] the servernetwork address can not be reached or does not exist:



    i'm trying to set upmirroring between two sql 2008 r2 databases on different servers in myinternal network, as a test run before doing the same thing with two liveservers in different locations.

    when i actually try and switch the mirroring on the target db (with
    alter database xxxdb set partner = tcp://myserveraddress:50221') i'm getting anerror telling me that the server network address can not be reached or does notexist. a little research suggests this is a fairly unhelpful message that popsup due to a number of possible causes, some of which are not directly relatedto the server existing or otherwise.

    in fact, this is error isnot clear for us.checking the log, i'mseeing the following errors. "database mirroringconnection error 5 'connection handshake failed. the certificate used by thepeer is invalid due to the following reason: certificate not found. state 89.'for 'tcp://myserveraddress:50221'." in event viewer(eventvwr).


    you can manual copyingthe certificates around(principal, mirror and witness). and drop login, user.and then create login, user with certificate responsed. last, grant connectendpoint.

    create login host_pro_login with password ='password01!';

    create user host_pro_user for login host_pro_login;

    -- drop certificate host_pro_cert

    create certificate host_pro_cert authorization host_pro_user  from file ='d:\hot backup\host_pro_cert.cer';

    grant  connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to [host_pro_login];

    create login host_pro_login with password ='password01!';create user host_pro_user for login host_pro_login;-- drop certificate host_pro_certcreate certificate host_pro_cert authorization host_pro_user from file ='d:\hot backup\host_pro_cert.cer';grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to [host_pro_login];


    thesolution to the above problem is very simple and as follows.

    fix/workaround/solution:tryall the suggestions one by one.

    suggestion1:make sure that on mirror server the database is restored with no recoveryoption (this is the most common problem).

    suggestion2:make sure that from principal the latest log backup is restored to mirrorserver. (attempt this one more time even though the full backup has beenrestored recently).

    -- back up 1:


    backup database  [dbname] to  disk = n'd:\hot  backup\testbackup01.bak' with noformat, noinit,  name = n'testbackup01-full database  backup', skip, norewind, nounload,   stats = 10



    backup log [dbname]  to  disk = n'd:\hot  backup\testbackup01.trn' with noformat, noinit,  name = n'testbackup01-transaction log  backup', skip, norewind, nounload,  stats = 10


    -- restore 1:

    restore database  dbname

     from disk = 'd:\hot backup\dbname.bak'  with  file = 1, 

    move 'dbname' to  'c:\program files\microsoft sql  server\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\backup\dbname.mdf',

    move 'dbname_log' to  'c:\program files\microsoft sql  server\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\backup\dbname_log.ldf',

    norecovery,   nounload,  replace,  stats = 10



    -- restore 2:

    restore database  dbname from disk = 'd:\hot backup\backup_testbackup01.bak' with file = 1,  norecovery, nounload;

    restore log dbname  from disk = 'd:\hot backup\backup_testbackup01.trn' with norecovery

    -- restore 2:restore database dbname from disk = 'd:\hot backup\backup_testbackup01.bak' with file = 1, norecovery, nounload;restore log dbname from disk = 'd:\hot backup\backup_testbackup01.trn' with norecovery

    suggestion3:check if you can telnet to your ports using command telnet servername portslike “telnet sqlservername 50221″.(please add feature lelnet client|server inserver 2k8, if it not exsit.)

    suggestion4:make sure your firewall is turned off.

    suggestion5:verify that the endpoints are started on the partners by using thestate or state_desc column the ofthe sys.database_mirroring_endpointscatalog view. you can start end point by executing an alter endpoint statement.

    suggestion6:try the following command as one of the last options.

    grantconnect on endpoint::mirroring to all

    suggestion7:delete the end points and recreate them.

    suggestion8: checksql log.

    ifany of above solutions does not fix your problem, do leave comment here. basedon the comment, i will update this article with additional suggestions.

    pleasenote that some of the above suggestions can be security threat to your system.please use them responsibly and review your system with security expert in yourcompany.


    •  sql server 2008 数据库镜像动手实验笔记


    if exists(select * from sys.sysprocesses wheredbid=db_id(n'sampledata'))


         declare @snvarchar(1000)

         declare mycurcursor for 

         select 'kill ' cast(spid as varchar) fromsys.sysprocesses where dbid=db_id(n'sampledata')

         open mycur

         fetch next frommycur into @s

         while@@fetch_status =0



           fetch next frommycur into @s


         close mycur





    if exists(select * from sys.sysdatabases where dbid=db_id(n'sampledata'))

    drop database sampledata   

    ---if db_id(n'sampledata') is not null  

    ---   drop databasesampledata  

    create database sampledata on primary 


      filegroup fg1default 



      log on 






    if not exists(select recovery_model from sys.databases wheredatabase_id =db_id(n'sampledata') and recovery_model=1)

       alter databasesampledata set recovery full



    use sampledata 

    if exists(select * from sys.objects where object_id=object_id(n'dbo.testtable') and type in (n'u'))

    drop table dbo.testtable

    create table dbo.testtable

    (id       int                   identity(1,1),

     column1  varchar(50)  not null,

     constraintpk_testtableid primary key(id))



    insert into dbo.testtable(column1) values('rowa')

    insert into dbo.testtable(column1) values('rowb')

    insert into dbo.testtable(column1) values('rowc')

    insert into dbo.testtable(column1) values('rowd')

    insert into dbo.testtable(column1) values('rowe')



    backup database [sampledata] to  disk = n'e:\sampleback\sampledataallback.bak'with noformat, noinit,  name =n'sampledata-完整数据库备份', skip, norewind, nounload,  stats = 10


    backup log [sampledata] to disk = n'e:\sampleback\sampledatalogback.bak' with noformat,noinit,  name = n'sampledata-事务日志备份', skip, norewind, nounload,  stats = 10




    --------restore database [sampledata] from  disk = n'e:\sampleback\sampledataallback.bak'with  file = 1,  move n'sampledata_01' ton'e:\sample\sampledata_1.ndf',  moven'sampledata_02' to n'e:\sample\sampledata_2.ndf',  move n'sampledata_log' ton'e:\sample\sampledata_3.ldf', norecovery,  nounload,  stats = 10



    --------restore log [sampledata] from  disk = n'e:\sampleback\sampledatalogback.bak'with  file = 1, norecovery,nounload,  stats = 10








    use master 

    create master key encryption by password='hdf007@163.com'


    use master 

    create certificate host_a_cert with subject='host_acertificate'


    create endpoint endpoint_mirroring


    as tcp (listener_port=7024,listener_ip=all)

    for database_mirroring (authentication=certificate host_a_cert,encryption=requiredalgorithm aes,role=all)


    backup certificate host_a_cert to file='c:\host_a_cert.cer'




    use master 

    create master key encryption by password='hdf007@163.com'


    use master 

    create certificate host_b_cert with subject='host_bcertificate'


    create endpoint endpoint_mirroring


    as tcp (listener_port=7024,listener_ip=all)

    for database_mirroring (authentication=certificatehost_b_cert,encryption=required algorithm aes,role=all)


    backup certificate host_b_cert to file='c:\host_b_cert.cer'



    use master 

    create master key encryption by password='hdf007@163.com'


    use master 

    create certificate host_c_cert withsubject='host_c_certificate'


    create endpoint endpoint_mirroring


    as tcp (listener_port=7024,listener_ip=all)

    for database_mirroring (authentication=certificatehost_c_cert,encryption=required algorithm aes,role=all)


    backup certificate host_c_cert to file='c:\host_c_cert.cer'





    use master 

    create login host_b_login with password='hdf007@163.com'


    create user host_b_user from login host_b_login 


    create certificate host_b_cert authorization host_b_userfrom file='c:\host_b_cert.cer'

    ------------授予对远程镜像端点的登录名的 connect 权限

    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to[host_b_login]


    use master 

    create login host_c_login with password='hdf007@163.com'


    create user host_c_user from login host_c_login 


    create certificate host_c_cert authorization host_c_userfrom file='c:\host_c_cert.cer'


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to[host_c_login]




    use master 

    create login host_a_login with password='hdf007@163.com'


    create user host_a_user from login host_a_login 


    create certificate host_a_cert authorization host_a_userfrom file='c:\host_a_cert.cer'

    ------------授予对远程镜像端点的登录名的 connect 权限

    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to[host_a_login]


    use master 

    create login host_c_login with password='hdf007@163.com'


    create user host_c_user from login host_c_login 


    create certificate host_c_cert authorization host_c_userfrom file='c:\host_c_cert.cer'


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to[host_c_login]




    use master 

    create login host_a_login with password='hdf007@163.com'


    create user host_a_user from login host_a_login 


    create certificate host_a_cert authorization host_a_userfrom file='c:\host_a_cert.cer'

    ------------授予对远程镜像端点的登录名的 connect 权限

    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to[host_a_login]


    use master 

    create login host_b_login with password='hdf007@163.com'


    create user host_b_user from login host_b_login 


    create certificate host_b_cert authorization host_b_userfrom file='c:\host_b_cert.cer'


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to[host_b_login]




    alter database sampledata set partner='tcp://s1:7024'


    alter database sampledata set partner='tcp://s2:7024'


    alter database sampledata set witness='tcp://s2:7024'




    ---------若要在高性能模式下配置此会话,在主体服务器实例上,将事务安全性设置为 off

    alter database sampledata set partner safety off


    alter database sampledata set partner safety full



    alter database sampledata set partnerforce_service_allow_data_loss


    alter database sampledata set partner failover




    use master

    alter database sampledata set partner resume  --恢复镜像

    alter database sampledata set partner failover --切换主备






    -- 主机服务器              s1                s1\s1user   --

    -- 辅助服务器              s2                s2\s2user   --

    -- 见证服务器              s3                s3\s3user   --



    create endpoint endpoint_mirroring state=started as tcp(listener_port=7024) for database_mirroring (role=all)


    create login [s2\s2user] from windows


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to [s2\s2user]


    create login [s3\s3user] from windows


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to [s3\s3user]



    create endpoint endpoint_mirroring state=started as tcp(listener_port=7024) for database_mirroring (role=all)


    create login [s1\s2user] from windows


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to [s1\s2user]


    create login [s3\s3user] from windows


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to [s3\s3user]



    create endpoint endpoint_mirroring state=started as tcp(listener_port=7024) for database_mirroring (role=all)


    create login [s1\s1user] from windows


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to [s1\s1user]


    create login [s2\s2user] from windows


    grant connect on endpoint::endpoint_mirroring to [s2\s2user]




    alter database sampledata set partner='tcp://s1:7024'


    alter database sampledata set partner='tcp://s2:7024'


    alter database sampledata set witness='tcp://s2:7024'


    • 将客户端连接到数据库镜像会话 (sql server)

    failover partner 属性

    除了初始伙伴名称以外,客户端还可以指定应标识当前镜像服务器实例的故障转移伙伴名称。 故障转移伙伴是由 failover partner 属性的某个关键字指定的。 具体由该属性的哪个关键字指定取决于您所使用的 api。 下表列出了这些关键字:

    apifailover partner 属性的关键字
    ole db 访问接口failoverpartner
    odbc 驱动程序failover_partner
    activex 数据对象 (ado)failover partner

    标识服务器实例的最简单方法是指定其名称 [\]。


    例如,为了使用 tcp/ip 显式连接到 partner_a 或 partner_b 上的 adventureworks 数据库,使用 odbc 驱动程序的客户端应用程序可能会提供以下连接字符串:

    "server=partner_a; failover_partner=partner_b; database=adventureworks; network=dbmssocn"

    另外,客户端还可以使用 ip 地址和端口号标识初始伙伴 partner_a;例如,如果 ip 地址为,端口号为 4734,则连接字符串将为:

    "server=,4734; failover_partner=partner_b; database=adventureworks; network=dbmssocn"








    以上是尊龙游戏旗舰厅官网为你收集整理的sql server ha - 数据库镜像2 (mirroring)(1418错误解决)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决所遇到的问题。

