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推荐:制作地图的网站和工具 -尊龙游戏旗舰厅官网

发布时间:2025/1/21 编程问答 7 豆豆
尊龙游戏旗舰厅官网 收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了 推荐:制作地图的网站和工具 小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,帮大家做个参考.


recommended sites and tools for mapping


ajd geospatial concepts


ajd geospatial concepts specializes in the organization, analysis, and mapping of geographic data for urban and regional planning; utility, environmental, infrastructure, and transportation management; business and political analysis; and 3-d topographic and flood analysis.



arcgis is a mapping platform that integrates both public and self-collected data to tailor maps and dashboards for organizations to analyze sites and routes and optimize or predict traffic and other patterns.

atlas of economic complexity


the atlas of economic complexity measures the amount of productive knowledge countries hold based on the products they create and exchange. it allows users to create a visual narrative of national progress in increasing economic complexity, which is a key indicator of economic growth potential, quality of governance, level of education, and other factors.

cage comparator


the cage distance framework is used to evaluate international and interregional patterns of trade, capital, information, and people flows. it helps users to understand the role of differences in terms of geography, economics, administration, and culture.

carbon map


carbon map applies thematic data sets to geographic base layers to interactively animate, distort, and shade regions based on their contribution or vulnerability to climate change.

center for geographic analysis, harvard university


worldmap software, created and hosted by the center for geographic analysis at harvard university, allows for the creation of custom web maps and easy selection and downloading options of diverse open source geospatial data sets to construct tailored maps.



chronoatlas is a free interactive historical program that allows users to view political boundaries and cities at any point in history around the entire globe.

coastal sea level rise calculator


national geographic’s interactive map adjusts coastlines for all continents based on variable scenarios for sea level rise up to more than fifty meters (if both polar ice caps fully melt), depicting new shorelines and submerged coastal regions.



esri’s story map apps can be customized to produce thematic visual stories such as how rapid urban migration has given rise to a world of megacities.

esri mapping center


esri’s mapping center provides access to various resources that are used regularly by professional mapmakers and cartographers, enabling its users to create maps using arcgis.

first mile geo


first mile geo is a business intelligence software that enables users to collect, visualize, and monitor data collected online or off-line through mobile, sms, surveys, or manual sources. maps, dashboards, indices, and alerts can be generated in multiple languages.



fleetmon is an open database of ships and ports worldwide that uses real-time ais positioning data to visualize the location and movement of nearly 500,000 vessels, allowing for the analysis of shipping and trade patterns.

flight radar


flight radar 24 is a flight-tracking service that provides real-time information about positions of thousands of aircraft around the world.



gapminder is a nonprofit venture promoting sustainable global development and achievement of the united nations millennium development goals by increased use and understanding of statistics and other information about social, economic, and environmental development at local, national, and global levels.

gateway house


gateway house’s project on asia’s strategic corridors provides dynamic maps of infrastructure, energy, trade, and other linkages across indian ocean subregions such as south asia, central asia, west asia, east africa, southeast asia, and east asia.



the gdelt project is a global database of the world’s broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every country in over a hundred languages starting in the year 1979. it identifies and codes people, locations, themes, sources, and emotions surrounding events and provides daily analysis updates.



geofusion integrates virtual reality and 3-d visualization techniques into its geomatrix and geoplayer engines to produce near real-time visualizations used in industries such as aviation, defense, space exploration, education, and entertainment.



globaïa designs and promotes visualizations and animations at the intersection of art and science to raise awareness about social and environmental challenges.

global spatial data infrastructure association


the global spatial data infrastructure association provides global, regional, and national links to spatial data infrastructures.

google earth plug-in


the google earth plug-in is a free javascript api that lets users embed google earth in their webpages in order to navigate geographic data on a 3-d globe as well as build sophisticated 3-d map applications.

imf direction of trade statistics


the imf’s direction of trade statistics presents current figures on the value of merchandise exports and imports disaggregated according to a country’s primary trading partners.



mit’s immersion software uses email meta-data to construct an individual-centric network map that represents one’s personal and professional connections.

instaar data sets, university of colorado boulder


dbseabed creates unified, detailed mappings of the materials that make the seafloor by efficiently integrating thousands of individual data sets.

map projections


the drop-down menu of this site allows you to scroll through many variations of global map projections.



maps-of-war was established to help people understand the big picture of history, measured not in years but in centuries. it features animated videos of the historical progression of religion, democracy, and middle eastern empires.



mapstory is a very user-friendly platform that allows anyone to create visual narratives through the construction of storylayers that can stretch across space and time and can be edited and expanded by members of the community.

mckinsey global cities of the future

http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/economic_studies/global _cities_of_the_future_an_interactive_map

mckinsey’s global cities of the future is an interactive map that allows users to explore the cities and emerging urban clusters that will drive dramatic growth and demographic changes over the next generation.

nasa global change master directory


nasa’s global change master directory maintains a complete catalog of all nasa’s earth science data sets and services.

national geospatial-intelligence agency


the national geospatial-intelligence agency provides public access to large volumes of satellite and other geo-data and imagery in support of scientific research, natural disaster recovery operations, and crisis management.

norse attack map


norse, a cyber-threat analysis firm, provides real-time visualizations of global cyber war based on data collected every second from internet and dark web sources, plotting origins of attackers and target attacks.



openstreetmap is a crowdsourced mapping platform maintained by a user community that constantly updates data on transportation networks, store locations, and myriad other content generated and verified through aerial imagery, gps devices, and other tools.

planet labs


planet labs uses a network of low-orbit satellites to capture the most current images of the entire earth and form composite digital renderings that can be used for commercial or humanitarian applications.



sourcemap provides end-to-end visibility into supply chain data from raw materials to end consumers, allowing for visualization of risks, calculation of costs, and planning for resilience.

visual literacy


visual literacy’s periodic table of visualization methods provides instructive pop-up infographics summarizing dozens of key data and mapping techniques.

welcome to the anthropocene


welcome to the anthropocene is a collection of short video journeys covering the past 250 years since the industrial revolution that depicts humanity’s impact on the planet.

world bank puma spatial data sets


the world bank’s puma, or platform for urban management and analysis, is the repository for urban spatial data and a geospatial tool that allows users to download data sets for direct visualization and analysis.



worldmapper filters quantitative data through algorithms to produce unique cartograms that rescale geographies to depict their significance according to themes such as wealth, emissions, and internet access.

world migration


pew research center’s interactive map shows migration figures based on origin and destination countries for the years 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2013.




