支持windows 7的cad—autocad civil 3d 2010 -尊龙游戏旗舰厅官网
windows 7终于千呼万唤的出来后,紧跟着的就是应用软件了。有没有支持windows 7的 cad软件呢?好消息,现在已经有了,autocad civil 3d 2010!峻祁连在前面的文章中介绍过copper, 另外还介绍过civil 3d这个4合一产品,他包含了autocad的全部功能,包含map 3d的全部功能,包含面向土木工程的特色功能,还有一个用于项目协作的vault。如果你想找能在windows 7上运行的autocad,civil 3d就是了 :)
下面是autodesk 公司 civil 3d的高级产品经理的的信,算是一个权威信息发布:
the civil 3d team is excited by the interest shown in windows 7 and on
moving to a 64 bit operating system. we have tested civil 3d 2010 and
windows 7 and haven't found any issues that should stop you from deploying
civil 3d 2010 on it. we are planning to update our website to list windows 7
as an operating system for civil 3d.
windows 7 is one of the operating systems that civil 3d will be tested on
moving forward.
peter funk
autodesk, inc.
所以,那些因为担心cad软件兼容问题而犹豫的用户,现在是时候了,升级到win7吧! 呵呵,另外,还有64位版本哦~
本文转自峻祁连. moving to cloud/mobile博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/junqilian/archive/2009/11/18/1605489.html,如需转载请自行联系原作者
以上是尊龙游戏旗舰厅官网为你收集整理的支持windows 7的cad—autocad civil 3d 2010的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决所遇到的问题。
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